Efficiency and precision that can only be achieved by laser cutting machines
Source:本站Time:2019/9/10 16:07:32
Cutting machines are often used in industry. Cutting machines are not just one type, but are divided into many types based on their functions or principles. Common ones include flame cutting machines, plasma cutting machines, laser cutting machines, water cutting machines, and so on. But the laser cutting machine we are going to introduce today is the most efficient among many cutting machines, and its cutting accuracy is unmatched by other types of cutting machines.
1、 Working principle
Laser cutting machines make full use of laser beams to process raw materials. By using lasers, raw materials undergo a series of changes such as melting, gasification, and fracture. After absorbing laser energy, the processed material will be cut off. At present, carbon dioxide laser sources are mostly used, with working power ranging from several hundred watts to several thousand watts, but compared to others, they can be considered relatively low power values. After mirror reflection, the laser beam will be highly focused, and finally the material will melt. At present, laser cutting machines have the widest application range in China's industrial field.
2、 Advantages
Compared with some other cutting machines, laser cutting machines have many advantages.
1. The quality of material cutting is better than other cutting machines, and the gaps in the cut materials are narrow, greatly saving raw materials.
2. The cut surface is neat and smooth, and does not require further polishing and cleaning in the later stage. It can be directly applied to the final shaping and welding of the parts. Moreover, the force distribution is very uniform, and the material will not deform after cutting.
3. In the cutting process, the speed is fast and the noise is low, which is perfect in terms of environmental protection. And there is no tool wear, which is applicable to any material.
3、 Classification
Laser cutting is also divided into many types. There are roughly six common types. They are vaporization cutting, melting cutting, reflective melting cutting, thermal stress cutting, laser cutting, and cold cutting. This is divided according to the physical principles of cutting different materials.
It is precisely because of the high efficiency and precision of laser cutting machines that they are widely used in various industries.
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