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How to polish carving machine tools

Source: Time:2018-12-15 09:26:06 views:

There are many ways to sharpen a knife, which vary from person to person and place to place. However, regardless of which method, the slope of the knife is sharpened first until the edge is rolled up, and then the back is sharpened in reverse. Repeat this process several times until the blade is sharp, aligned, and the surface is as shiny as a mirror. The key to a sharp blade is that the hand must maintain horizontal movement, the force must be uniform, the back of the blade must be straight or rounded, and there must be no slight hunchback near the edge of the blade.
There are many ways to sharpen a knife, which vary from person to person and place to place. However, regardless of which method, the slope of the knife is sharpened first until the edge is rolled up, and then the back is sharpened in reverse. Repeat this process several times until the blade is sharp, aligned, and the surface is as shiny as a mirror. The key to a sharp blade is that the hand must maintain horizontal movement, the force must be uniform, the back of the blade must be straight or rounded, and there must be no slight hunchback near the edge of the blade.
  & nbsp; The difference in the thickness of the cutting edge of a cutting tool in terms of its use: the thinner the cutting edge, the sharper it is, but the less durable it is. Based on this situation, the cutting edge of a cutting tool for rough cutting should be thicker to withstand greater impact forces. The cutting edge of the tool used for excavating fine blanks can be appropriately thicker to withstand scratching. The cutting edge of the polishing tool can be thinner, and various threads can be engraved smoothly without gaps. The polished cutting tools should be wiped and stored with an oilcloth or dry cloth. If the south is humid and sweaty, some varnish can be applied to the tools to prevent rusting. Be careful not to rub or wear the carving knife on hard objects such as cement, bricks, and metal. For safety reasons, attention should be paid to the position of the cutting tool, avoiding the tool head facing outward and exceeding the edge of the table, which may scratch oneself or others. When operating wood carving, a cloth should be placed on the place where the cutting tools are placed to prevent them from rolling off due to vibration.
  & nbsp; Flatten knife: First, grind the slope. Hold the knife with your right hand and gently press the back of the knife with your left hand. Place it diagonally on a flat rough stone at a suitable angle and push it forward and backward until the blade is cut. Then, turn it back and grind the back. After rolling the blade, replace it with a fine stone and polish it slightly.
  & nbsp; Grinding round knives: Beginners can first grind the larger ones, then the smaller ones, because grinding round knives is somewhat difficult, and the smaller ones are even harder to grind. The method is to use a pre prepared "yin-yang slot mold". The inner mouth of the rounding knife should be matched with the width of the convex groove strip, maintaining a certain angle; The outer edge of the grinding knife should be matched with the width of the concave groove, and the cutting edge should be flattened. Hold the knife with your right hand and gently press the back of the knife with your left hand. When moving on the grinding stone, pay attention to ensuring even force on the entire curved surface. A round knife should avoid the center of the blade being worn down and the corners on both sides of the circular edge being worn off. A skilled sculptor does not use concave grooves to round the outer edge of a knife, but instead holds the handle horizontally with the thumb, index finger, and middle finger of the right hand, and gently holds the blade with the left hand. During the forward and backward movement, the hand should rotate the blade to make it contact the stone surface in sequence. This method is called "rolling grinding" or "swinging grinding". When grinding the inner opening of the circular knife, use oil stone strips of different thicknesses, brick pieces of different sizes, or tiles ground into arcs. Hold the knife in your right hand and the stone in your left hand, repeatedly grinding and grinding until it is sharp and neat& nbsp;
  & nbsp; Grinding the medium steel knife: The shape of the medium steel knife is an isosceles triangle when viewed from the side, so there are two inclined planes to be ground, and attention should be paid to maintaining their angles. The two sides intersect at the cutting edge, and the grinding method is the same as that of a flat knife.
  & nbsp; Grinding inclined knife: The method is the same as that of grinding flat knife, but when moving on the grinding stone, pay attention to the direction of the blade tip at all times. Generally, the sharp corner is placed above and the inclined surface is ground diagonally along it, and the flat surface is also ground in this way.
  & nbsp; Grinding moon curved knife: The moon curved knife has a curved edge, and when grinding the slope, the edge is placed in a suitable groove for grinding, and the grinding plane is the same as that of a flat knife.
  & nbsp; Grinding a triangular knife: The grinding method of a triangular knife is difficult, mainly because the angle is not easy to grasp, and a little carelessness can cause the angle to be ground off. So we need to use fine stones. Firstly, place the sharp edges on the left and right sides on a flat grinding stone and carefully grind them in turns. It is important to note that the cutting surface must be straight and the two sides intersect at the center corner. Then, check the grinding groove on a triangular grinding stone with a matching angle. To make the lines carved by the triangular knife both deep and smooth, it is necessary to regularly maintain the angle between the brick mold and the triangular knife, and the cutting edge should be sharpened and sharp.